Smashy Road Wikia

Cars that are ranked legendary are the rarest cars in the game, and are the hardest to get from the Slot machine. As a result, they often have a special ability or good stats, which can help boost a player's score. See Cars Maui more info on the stats of legendary cars. There are 9 legendary cars total in the game currently, and below are listed pages describing said legendaries in more detail, and listed special abilities of the legendaries.

First column legendaries:

1: Tank destroyer Special ability: Highest durability in the game, smashing most vehicles in one hit without being knocked around.

2: Time machine Special ability: Able to "time travel," if you go fast enough, the car’s tires will blaze, and then anyone in the explode zone will get blasted away.

3. Oil Truck Special ability: Drops puddles of oil that causes vehicles to skid and lose control.

Second column legendaries:

4. F1 It is the fastest vehicle in the game.

5. Rocket launcher Special ability: Automatically launches missiles that blow vehicles to smithereens.

6. Boom Bus Special ability: If the player is going to be arrested, they are given a second chance when the top floor of the bus spins around and explodes, knocking away every vehicle.

Third column legendaries:

7. Moneyman Special ability: All cash collected are 5x their normal value.

8. The Beast Special abilities: Has Moneyman's buff, a less powerful Flipper's ability and travels nearly as fast as the F1.

9. The Flipper Special ability: Has a blade that pushes almost anything out of it's way and can occasionally flip law enforcement vehicles sky high. This blade can protect the car from damage to play longer.

Smashy Road Arena legendaries:

10. Korty Is a legendary truck added to the Legendaries class in Smashy Road: Arena.


  • In early updates of the game, there were only first row legendaries: Tank destroyer, F1 and Moneyman.
  • The ability of 5X cash is unique to two vehicles: The Beast and Moneyman.
  • All legendaries have a unique description, often giving away a clue of their special abilities.
  • Each Legendary vehicle is an exceptional vehicle, but depending on how you play the game, any legendary may be the best to use for that specific situation. For example, if you want to collect as much money as possible, you may use Moneyman or The Beast.